Construction Worker Injury Lawyer

Construction workers face a lot of different injury risks. Construction sites generally involve multiple different contractors that do not always coordinate their work. Construction accidents occur when workers do not know what other workers are doing, and when proper safety procedures are not followed. Our workers’ compensation attorneys work to get you and your family the benefits and lost wages that you are entitled to after a construction site injury. Our construction worker injury lawyers will help protect your rights, keep you and informed, and work to get you and your family the compensation and benefits you are entitled to.

Common Construction Site Injuries

These are some of the most common types of injuries that workers suffer on construction sites:

  • spinal cord injuries
  • broken bones
  • head injuries
  • traumatic brain injuries
  • burns
  • asphyxiation / suffocation.

Workplace injuries take many different forms, but no matter what type of injury or what type of accident that you’ve suffered, workers’ compensation benefits are most likely available to you. work injury lawyers can help you.

What are the most common causes of construction injuries?

Some of the most common types of construction-related injuries are:

  • electrocution – we frequently see workers seriously injured or killed as a result of electrical wires and power lines that are not supposed to be powered, and wires or lines that are not properly secured.
  • crush injuries – the heavy equipment and movement of large amounts of construction materials poses an ongoing risk of crush injury to construction site workers. Crush injuries can occur in any number of ways: large machinery moving piles of lumber, gravel, dirt, or other raw materials can crush construction workers, and workers can be caught in heavy machinery. All-too-frequently, we see workers that are seriously injured or killed in tunnels for pipes and wiring that collapse and crush them. There are significant OSHA (and construction industry) rules and regulations that attempt to increase the safety of construction workers endangered by crush.
  • falling objects – Depending on the size of the object that is falling, an object falling can result in a crush injury or fatality. Even in construction injury cases where the falling object does not result in a fatality, construction workers struck by falling objects frequent suffer debilitating injuries.
  • falls, slipping, and tripping – At construction sites, there is a tremendous amount of pressure on construction workers to keep the progress of the construction moving forward. As a result, shortcuts are taken. Workers are encouraged to take risks that they wouldn’t usually take. Falls resulting in serious injuries or death to workers are a frequent result.
  • cutting injuries / lacerations – The cutting of wood, concrete, rebar, steel, and other materials with power tools poses an ongoing risk of hand injuries, arm injuries, eye injuries, and even lung injuries of construction workers that breathe in the dust resulting from the cutting.


Remember: no matter what type of injury you have suffered, you are most likely entitled to workers’ compensation benefits even if you were negligent. While the most common construction injuries are usually avoidable through the use of hard hats, safety rails, guardrails, fall protection, customary workplace safety measures, and observance of appropriate safety rules and regulation, you can recover workers’ compensation payments even if there is no other company or person responsible for your injury. Construction work poses some natural risks to workers, but you and your family do not need to suffer as a result of those risks.

If you or a loved one have been injured on the job, our work injury lawyers can help you recover the benefits that you are entitled to, including workers’ compensation payments. Our law firm strives to provide transparency and understanding to construction workers injured on job site. Our workers’ compensation attorneys will help you understand your rights and fight to you protect your future.

It costs nothing to speak with our qualified construction accident attorneys. We offer free consultations. It is important that you make a thoughtful decision about the personal injury and workers’ compensation attorney that you select while being sensitive to the important role that an early investigation and work by a qualified attorney can have in your financial recovery.

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