Factory Injury Lawyer

If you work in a factory and you have been injured there, you most likely have a workers’ compensation claim. There are some critical first steps that you should take in order to get the compensation that you deserve for your workplace injury. Our factory injury lawyers provide free consultations for injured workers so that you will have an understanding of your rights and potential rights of recovery.

What are the most common types of injuries in a factory?

These are some of the most common types of injuries that our factory injury lawyers see and help injured workers address:

  1. Machine-related injuries. Unfortunately, it is not uncommon for workers to suffer catastrophic and serious life-altering injuries as a result of the heavy machinery that they regularly use in the work. All too often, factory workers are pulled into or under manufacturing machinery and suffer death, broken bones, legs or arms being crushed or torn, back injuries, spinal injuries, crushed skulls, broken necks, and other debilitating injuries. As our factory injury lawyers will discuss with you, do not be deterred from making a workers’ compensation claim in Georgia because you were arguably negligent or careless in the use of the machine that caused your injury. Your negligence or carelessness is not a defense to a Georgia workers’ compensation claim. It is important that your injury lawyer also assesses possible personal injury claims in addition to your workers’ compensation claim in connection with a machine-related injury.
  2. Slip or fall injuries. Particularly in manufacturing factories, it is common for water and other slippery substances to accumulate on floors. Wet and slippery floors are a continuous danger to the safety of factory workers. Our workers’ compensation injury attorneys can help factory workers get the medical and lost wage benefits that you are entitled to after a fall accident. It is important to remember that, unlike in a traditional personal injury case, showing that the owner of the factory knew or should have know of the dangerous substance on the floor is not required. In order to make sure all efforts are undertaken to get you the compensation that you are entitled to, your workers’ comp injury attorney should also evaluate the possibility of 3rd party liability in a slip-and-fall injury case.
  3. Trip-and-Fall injuries. Trip-and-fall injuries are extremely common in industrial and factory environments. Cords, machinery, objects left on the floor, change in floor elevations, and other obstacles on the floor pose potential dangers to factory workers for trip-and-fall injuries. there are some work environments that pose much more significant trip risks than others. Our accident lawyers can help document trip-and-fall workplace accident to protect your potential injury claims.
  4. Overexertion injuries. Long hours can lead to overexertion and dehydration in the workplace, and these can lead to mistakes on the job. Enforce breaks throughout the workday to avoid overstress on the body. Make it clear that days off are important and are encouraged so your staff can rest and recharge when needed.
  5. Vehicle injuries. Large trucks, forklifts, carts, and other vehicles are a recurring risk of injury to factory workers. Our workplace injury lawyers and legal teams are experienced in effectively helping injured workers get the medical treatment they’re entitled to and making sure that medical expenses are taken care of. Our wrongful death and workers’ compensation attorneys can help families get the benefits they’re entitled to following a vehicle and crush accident. We will help you understand your legal rights and help you avoid the pitfalls that workers’ compensation insurance tries to take advantage of.
  6. Chemical injuries. With the possibilities of asthma, loss of senses, or even in rare cases, cancer, chemical safety procedures must be in place and enforced to protect your staff and worksite.
  7. Repetitive stress injuries. When a factory worker performs the same task over and over again, work-related injuries occur. Back injuries, spinal cord injuries, knee deterioration, muscle strain, and soft tissue deterioration are only some of the consequences of repetitive motion among factory workers.

Occupational Safety Health Administration (OSHA) work safety regulations should be considered in each of these work-related injury cases.

If you or a loved one have suffered serious injuries on the job in a factory, call our law firm today for a free consultation. Serious work-related factory and industrial accidents can have a significant impact upon you and your family, and there is no reason to take on the worry over medical care and other workers’ compensation benefits on your own. We will help you understand and legal options

Disclaimer: This page and the information provided here does not constitute legal advice and/or legal representation. To retain an accident attorney or workers’ compensation attorney, a written engagement with the personal injury law firm or workers’ compensation law firm is required.

Stay Strong, LLC is a marketing company providing information and services related to legal matters. Please read our disclaimer carefully. Stay Strong, LLC is not a law firm. All legal cases, claims, and matters are handled by EHG Law, LLC, and/or The Sessions Law Firm, LLC, which are independent law firms.